- What i like about this class is the teacher. He is really nice. I have learned a lot in this class. One thing i learned was to type with both my hands. Another thing i learned was to be a CTR person.
- What i don't like about this class is the CTW students. When the CTW students are in the class i feel a negative vibe. They also tend to talk a lot. And make the classroom noisy and disturb our learning.
- A recommendation would be to check for the CTR cards more frequently. That can be a way for students to be responsible for their stuff. Another thing is to be more strict and send students out when necessary. And being able to listen to music can help us concentrate and do our work.
- A highlight for me in the class is being a CTR student.
- I really did my best in this class. I know i did my best because i got 40 words per minute in typing tutor which the teacher never acknowledged my accomplishment. And i also did all my work and all i was asked to do but yet i still have a B in this class.
- I do read my life planning goals journal everyday. I also report every day. I do this everyday because i push my goals to the limit since you know the sky's the limit. This causes me to think about my future life choices.
- I am committed. Because what's cooler than being a CTR person.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Monday, December 12, 2016
“When you tell one lie, it leads to another”
-Paul Hatch
This basically means to not tell a lie because it can get bad. Or you can develop a habit of lying to get out of situations. So the quote means if you tell a lie and try to cover it up you are telling another lie. You cannot say you have never told a lie because every person tells a lie once in awhile.
For example:
Person:”hey man can i have some money”
Other Person:”yeah sure as long as you pay me back by next week”
Other person:”do you have my money yet”
Person:’no i’ll get it next week”
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
๐World War II๐
What are the dates for World War II:World War II started on September 1, 1939 and ended six years later on September 2, 1945.
What countries fought against whom in World War II:
World War II was fought between two groups of countries. On one side were the Axis Powers, including Germany, Italy, and Japan. On the other side were the Allies. Which included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States of America, etc.
Where did World War II occur:
World War II took place across the globe. Most of the combat action took place in Europe, East Asia, and islands in the Pacific Ocean. But others were seen in places as far away as Madagascar, and the Aleutian Islands. Countries such as Poland, China, Russia, and Germany saw their territories directly involved in war and suffered terribly. Countries such as the United States and Canada were relatively far from the action, but their citizens still fought a robust home front providing war goods for their men abroad.
Name and describe a few events that happened during World War II:
One major event was when Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939, France and Britain declared war on Germany. After conquering Poland, Germany attacked France. France fell in June 1940 and soon the Nazis overran most of the rest of Europe and North Africa.
How can we honor and show respect for World War II veterans:
We can honor and show respect for World War II veterans by going to events, respecting, thanking, and showing love toward them.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Challenges teens face today !!!
I think a major challenge is that school expects you to pass. Before school was about learning. Another big challenge is that students can not afford to go to college. It can be really tough getting a scholarship. And being rejected by your peers. A challenge i face is thinking i am not smart enough to get a scholarship. The other challenge is being in a sport and being pressured by my parents my coach and my teammates. What i have been doing to try to solve my problems is doing my homework during lunch. And i have also been trying to get better in my wrestling technique so i won't have to be pressured that much. Being a CTR person helps me overcome these by being responsible and doing my homework when i have time. Also by being responsible for wrestling by keeping track of my weight and if i am not that weight i go run. I can help other teens overcome their challenges by telling them they can do it. For example if a boy says he can not ride a bike i can help him by telling him that he can do it that he just has to believe in himself.
Monday, November 28, 2016
“Kindness is the essence of greatness.”
-Joseph B. Wirthlin
-Joseph B. Wirthlin
I thinks this means that kindness is the key to greatness, being kind can give you good luck and it means you are a CTR person. But if you are not kind you will most likely get bad luck, one example, of being kind is ; you are at market and a old lady need help carrying her stuff but she needs to get it in the car then a nice CTR person comes and helps her with those stuff and put it in her car. Another example, is when you are walking and you see a homeless man/women in the streets and needs money or food, you can give the homeless person food and money that is a sign that is a sign that you are kind, and CTR person. Kindness is a big word that describes someone that is willing to help you without even asking them for help.
My Thanksgiving Week
All i did for thanksgiving was eat. I went to the park the whole week. I ran with my uncle and i talked with my grandpa. I watched captain america civil war and zootopia. I watched the classic game of Chivas de Guadalajara vs Amรฉrica. And i got to play soccer with my uncle. I read half of the percy jackson and the lightning thief book. I did my math, health, and english homework during vacation. I also helped my mom take care of my siblings. I helped cleanup my house all week. According to my mom i was extremely helpful the whole week. And i bought a ps4 in black friday.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
"If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it"
-Marcus Aurelius
I think that Mr.Aurelius was right because if it isn’t true then why should you say it or do it.Don’t do something that is really bad and wrong.If you know that it is wrong then don’t do it. Everyone know that if something is wrong then you don’t do it.If you don’t like the bad things then don’t do it just because your friends say that it is ok because it is not ok for you or your friends.Don’t do the things that you don’t want to do just because your friends say that it is good and ok.Never do the wrong things because it is really bad and it’s in’t ok for you to do that.We all need to be good people that do the right things. Always be A CTR person in your life. Never give up on yourself. That was my Student Success Statement.
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States.It was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations.Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions,it has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well.It was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.The event that Americans commonly call the ‘’First Thanksgiving’’ was celebrated by the pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621.This feast lasted three days, and-as accounted by attendee Edward Winslow it was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims.
I am thankful for…
- The food my mom puts in the table for me
- The clothes i have
- The chance to have an education
- The teachers at this school
- My family always being there for me
- My friends
- Having a house
- School resources
- Having luxuries such as my phone
- Being healthy
- Not having any problems
- Being able to be in a sport
- For having Black Friday
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
“Doing what is right ,fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”
- Chick Moorman
This statement shows the how a victory is not a victory unless won fairly. There is no real happiness when you win by cheating. Being honorable and doing what is right is much more meaningful than winning or losing. Happiness is only accomplished when doing what is right.
So People must think about doing right things and not be interested in what they will gain or lose because it’s more important to learn about the good things you did and not take credit or recompense for the situation. I think people should be more honest and try to improve everyday and be honorable.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
“Honesty is the best policy”
-Mark Twain
This quote means that the best policy is honesty, how is honesty the best policy? Well honesty is the right thing to do, be honest about everything, lying is not the best thing you can do, you’re just gonna feel more awful and you’ll constantly think about all the time, that's why honesty is the best thing to do, being honest is the best way to show who you are, it shows the good that you have in you, it's kind of like earning someone's trust. For example be honest that you didn’t finish your homework because you didn’t understand the problem, don’t let it slide, be honest to others.
- Veterans day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World 1 to honor US veterans and victims of all wars.
- Veterans day is November 11
- The purpose of veterans day is to thank veterans for their services.
- Its is important to show honor on veterans day because veterans fought for our country.
- Ways to show honor is by…
Raising up the flag
Help homeless veterans
And by choosing the right
- What i think is interesting about veterans day is that those people fought to save our country and succeeded they fought for other people's lives.
- I think that Veterans Day is really good for us because we get to learn about those people that died for me and you. We can learn a lot if you talk to the right people about important thing in history. Always be a CTR person.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
These are the 3 major keys to living your life with integrity:
- Have the courage to say no.
- Have the courage to face the truth.
- Do the right thing because it is right.
-W.Clement Stone
I think he is trying to tell us that you should choose the right every time because that is going to make you a integrity person and everyone is going to like that kind of person. Another thing is that you should be able to say no when you know that it is not right thing to do because it may affect you in life when you choose the wrong. An example would be you go to a party but they are drinking and smoking and they offer you to join them. What should you do say yes or say no and leave the party. I think the best choice would be to say no and leave the party because saying yes can cause a lot of trouble and damage. To live a life of integrity you should also be able to tell the truth and know when you can speak the truth. An example would be, your mom lets you go hang out with your friends but she doesn’t know that your friends are going to be driving and you guys are still under age to be driving. Once you get home your mom asks how was your night and you respond to her good. What should you do tell your mom that you guys went out for a drive or just leave to your bedroom. I think you should tell your mom what you really did tonight. One more thing you will need is to always do the right thing because it will always be the right thing to do, instead of going the opposite way. Be a CTR person and once you know it you’re going to be proud of yourself.
Friday, November 4, 2016
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed”
I think that everyone should be a CTR person so that can be good and not bad people.They don’t have to be CTW people.Everyone should want to be good and not bad people.In think that we should not be so mad everyone that tries to help us out of the bad thing because they are helping us get better.We should all be happy. Happiness makes us feel really good inside. We should all be happy for each other and we should stop smoking,and drinking. We shouldn’t hang out with the wrong crowed we should hang out with the good crowed.Everyone should be good people in this world. That was my Student Success Statement.This statement shows how the people you associate with contribute to the person you become. Choosing to hang with the wrong people, who stay out late,smoke ,drink alcohol., can get you into big problems or trouble. However, when you hang out with responsible people, people with know to trust you. People will acknowledge you as a person who is wise,responsible and some whom they can trust.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Gainesville vs. Vanguard
In this video gainesvilles basketball team had no fans. Gainesville high school is a juvenile jail. The basketball team is able to play other schools once a year. Vanguard did not want to go against a team with no fans because it would be awkward. So they decided to tell their fans to cheer for Gainesville. In my opinion that was the best sportsmanship i have ever seen. That was a nice thing to do for a team that never had fans.
"The best recreation is to do good."
-William Penn
I think that Mr.Penn was right because you do need to feel good everyday that you wake up in the morning for school,work,or every if you are staying in at home.I think that everyone should wake up feel very good about the day and everyone else also himself,because everyone needs to be happy. I think that we should all look good and feel good because I know that I always am.If you feel good then don’t hide it at all just be yourself. I think that to become happy you need to be a CTR person every day. That was my Student Success Statement.This statement shows how people the best way to feel good is by doing good.Doing the right thing is the best thing to do when trying to relax. There is no other thing that will make you feel good as it does when you do the right thing. Many people do not know that by doing the right thing they will be happy.
Monday, October 31, 2016
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”
-William Penn
Examples of RIGHT
- Giving your parents a hand
- Having manners
- Choosing the Right
Examples of WRONG
- Talking back to your parents
- Not being polite
- Disrespecting people
- Choosing the Wrong
Thursday, October 27, 2016
“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.Write down what you want most and see it often.”
-Peter Vidmar
This statement by Peter Vidmar shows by reminding yourself of what you most want every day and you will achieve. It also show how what you what now is not what you want the most. It is better to sacrifice what you want at the moment then what you most want. Peter was able to accomplish what he most wanted by sacrificing things he want to do at the moment.I think that Mr. Vimar was right because I want to do other things instead of homework but i do what I have to do anyways. I think that everyone should listen to Mr.Vidmar about what he said. We should do what we have to do first then we can do what we want after. Everyone should do their school work first instead of being outside with their friends. I’m going to do what Mr.Vidmar said so that I can get to do all of my homework and get good grades in school. I will have to do all my work first then I will get to go outside and play. I will also listen to my mom because she tells me the same thing everyday when I get home. I f we listen to all those people that tell us to do better we will get to do some many things in life. This is why I’m going to do all my work everyday. This was my Student Success Statement.
Homecoming means the act of returning to your home or to a place that is like your home.An annual celebration for people who attened a college or university.An annual celebration for high-school students that include sports games and formal dance.The football game is the main homecoming attraction,because the current students and alumni can attend. There’s generally a huge crowed and lots of energy, so the pressure is on for the home team to win. If a school doesn’t have a football team than are other sport teams.A homecoming dance is just for the students of the school,and it usually occurs on the Friday or Saturday night after Spirt Week it’s usually open to every student no matter what grade they’re in some school keep it casual while others make it a semi-formal affair. There’s always DJ or a band,but the venue is up to the school-sometimes it’s in the gym or cafeteria,and other times it’s at an outside venue.That is what Homecoming is for some schools like mine.
It's a tradition of welcoming back former students and celebrating a school’s existence. It is a tradition in many high schools and colleges in the united states.
The history of school homecomings
School homecomings are the best for students to get together and enjoy their time of their lives.
Celebrating Homecoming
Students celebrate homecoming are showing school spirits and to support whatever althletic team
Homecoming dance
Football games
Why is it called “The homecoming game”?
In the united states, it’s a tradition to every schools to show some spirit
Homecoming Etiquette
Is a dress code, to dress nice, proper to the school’s dance. You have to look good on that day to have fun.
The history of school homecomings
School homecomings are the best for students to get together and enjoy their time of their lives.
Celebrating Homecoming
Students celebrate homecoming are showing school spirits and to support whatever althletic team
Homecoming dance
Football games
Why is it called “The homecoming game”?
In the united states, it’s a tradition to every schools to show some spirit
Homecoming Etiquette
Is a dress code, to dress nice, proper to the school’s dance. You have to look good on that day to have fun.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
“A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life.”
- Mike Krzyzewski
This statement shows how even though after winning more than 1000 games,Coach K does find be the greatest thing he has achieved.Creating a good name is much more important than winning all those games.Many people sometime let things go their head when they achieve great things which their achievement. A man who has accomplished the great does not think it's the great thing to accomplish and it not because he does not appreciate his work it is that he is just a great man.
“Global Opportunities: Careers in other Countries”
- South Korea - Science and technology, Computing. These careers are good because the technology based careers have been increasing in the last couple of years.
- China-teaching English. These career is good because it something that will be expanding in coming years.
- Canada-healthcare, Healthcare in job that has been increasing in the last couple of years.
Friday, October 21, 2016
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches”
-Proverbs 22:1
This statement shows that having a good name /a good reputation is better than having riches. It would be worth having riches when people don't want you around . People will question the way you got those riches in the first place. Having a good reputation is a rich itself and a greater rich than anything else.We need to be good people to have good things in life . We need good things in our life’s. Everyone should listen to Mr.Haymore. Everyone need to be happy and good and they should choose the right all the time. That is my Student Success Statement.
Health Educator
Duties and Responsibility: Health Educators are to inform people of ways to be health and encourage them to do so. They teach people how good health decisions. They can work in clinics, schools ,private health service providers,and hospitals. They must also create and implement health care programs for generals public.
Education: Health Educators must at least have a bachelor's degree.It's recommended to have a certification of health education specialist.
Demand for this profession:The demand for this profession has grown 21% since 2012.
I would want to be a health educator because i like helping people and giving advice.
Monday, October 17, 2016
“If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for other to follow.”
Thomas S. Monson
This statement shows how you should not follow people who you know are doing wrong because you are the only one that disagrees. You should stand up for what you believe especially when other are doing the wrong thing. Do not be afraid to stand to what you believe.You should be the example to show the people doing wrong the right.
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