Ten indian commandments
I think the indians are crazy for having these as commandments. I would have at least thought there would be more things about spirits. But apparently not. So today 4/28/17 is friday and we come out early. And mr.haymore is making us do this. Why? Is it because we have different skin color? Why? Is it because he claims to have nothing against black people yet whenever he talks about them it ends up being something bad. And how is bin laden's death beautiful? So may questions. Off topic. But my point is why would the indians have this. I believe that they have them because they wanted to have something keep their leader and themselves in check. For example, the leader goes rogue and sells native land to white hillbillies. What are the rest of the indians going to do? Absolutely nothing. Why you ask. Well because commandment number 3 says show respect to others. Which basically means if he did that he had a reason to do it. So no one is going to disrespect him by calling him stupid.