“Act well your part;there all honor lies.”
~Alexander Pope
What this quote is saying is that we all need to act well and not tells lies. If we were to do or say a lie it will be honored and everyone will know you has the person that told that lie. This is why we need to always choose the right and never tell lies because that is not a good thing to do. Lies will someday be brought up again and then it won’t be good because everyone will know what you did. Lies are told because someone what’s to cover up what they did or because they are scared to face the truth and the consequences. We all need to be honest and always tell the truth, nothing but the truth. This is a good thing to do because then you will never get in trouble or into problems. People that always lie will get into problems this is not good because if they lie about one thing then eventually they will start lying about everything. Being honored by a lie is embarrassing because everyone will know you has the person that told a certain lie and then they will not trust you. Lying will not bring you good things, people will stop trusting you or they might not even want to be around you. This is why we should always choose the right.

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